Tonearm choices for xv-1s mono

I don't know how many are using this cartridge but I recently bought one at a good price without noticing it's exceedingly low compliance (6x10-6cm/dyn). It is also heavy with a weight of 12.6gm.
I mounted this on a spare arm wand for my 10.5i tonearm and after trying to optimize gain and loading still have some lack of bass weight and slightly aggressive highs. The 10.5i is good with medium compliance cartridges but(with an effective mass of about 10.5gms)just doesn't cut it with very low compliance units. Figuring the ressonance of this system(>13hz)illustrates this.
As it turns out, I'm putting a new table together(2 arm plinthed sp10mk3)and can choose whatever arm I like. I have already purchased the EPA 500 base as one of the arms along with the A501G and A501L wands. At 18gm effective mass, the A501L is a much better match for the xv-1s mono than the the 10.5i(resonance about 11.4hz). Will this be adequate or should I consider a massive 12" arm like the now discontinued Ikeda 407? Head shell weights on an arm like the SME 312s might be another option.
Just wondered if anyone's crossed this bridge and what the best answer is.
Think about a FR-64s.
I tried a lot of cartridges with this Arm and all showed a top performance. Good Design, no big secrets in Set up and it really "guides" a cartridge. This Arm is grossly underpriced/underrated and you will always find another buyer who wants it (in good condition, don't buy from deaf DIY's)
Thanks for the input. Initially, I'll try this with the low compliance adapted EPA 500 wand since I have already bought that. If it's adequate, it will be the best low cost solution. The dynamic damping built into the wand may make this a good match even with the resonance at 11.4hz. As Raul said, resonance may not tell the whole story.
Well, I overlooked the weight tolerances of the a501L wand and it turns out the XV-1s mono is way too heavy at 12.6gms. Recently I found the EPA 250 which does accomidate a 12.5gm cartridge with the auxillary weight. It also handles low compliance(6 cu). However, the VTF in that setup is rated at 1-2 grams and the XV-1s mono needs 2.3-3.2 or so. The original headshell for this arm was 7.5 gms. If I buy a headshell that is 1-1.5 gms heavier it should allow more VTF to be applied. Would this be an acceptable and safe plan even if the arm doesn't completely balance or should I be looking for a lighter weight cartridge to work with this system?