Cartridge Loading

I just purchased a Benz Ace with .8mv output. The requirements are loading of > 200 ohms. I do not want to spend time trying to determine if 400 ohms sound better than 600 ohms If anyone has experience with the Benz and could give me a resistance that will work well I would appreciate it. Thanks Geroge
Agree with Halcro.

I have much experience with MM/MI cartridges and they are hardly plug and play.

Doug needs to walk before he runs.
47 kohm when you have a preamp which can do it without sounding thin, dead and analytical
1kohm when you have a normal preamp
below 200ohms when you have a very analytical and harsh sounding high end System and you want to soften it.
MM Phono and a matching high quality Step Up.
I loaded my loved Benz LP with 470 ohms inside Whest Audio PS30 RDT and it sounds wonderful

My cent!
Agree with Audiofeil. ;-)

Still, most MM/MI carts will perform satisfactorily (if not perfectly) into most MM phono stages at a standard 47k impedance, as Syntax said. You can't make that kind of blanket statement about MC's. That was really my only point.
Whether a certain cartridge with a certain load in a certain audio chain under certain conditions does sound wonderful or not to certain ears does not tell too much.
As cartridges too do suffer from the lack of real standardization of its electrical or mechanical parameters, we have to fine-tune each and any cartridge to meet its best performance in relation to its surrounding components and their very specific electrical/mechanical parameters.
This is true for MM, MI, MC and foremost LOMC.
Each is different - hey, - thats why we love analog don't we ?