Need opinions: Proceed AVP vs. Anthem AVM20

I am trying to decide on a "long term" home theater preamp, using 5.1 at first, but possibly 7.1 later. The Proceed AVP brings great quality and sound, but the guts are getting old, and it's a little pricey. The only available next upgrade for the AVP to support the newer surround modes will be a $1500-2000 hardware/software mod, on top of around $3000 to buy an AVP used. Anthem is releasing the upgrade to their AVM2, the AVM20, in another week. I only learned about Anthem through a dealer's recommendation when I was inquiring about the Proceed. Anthem's website lists all the latest toys inside this thing, basically all the stuff everybody complains is missing in the other brands. This preamp doesn't seem to lack. Most notably, it has an ultra-wide video bandwidth, which will easily support hdtv up to 1080p, not to mention line doublers and quads.

The question: Does anyone have any experience with the Anthem AVM2 which might indicate the quality/value/sound of the new AVM20? And is the AVM20 going to be an AVP-killer at list price $3200? If Anthem makes a good and reliable product, then this thing should be a hot seller, and should at least stoke the competition a bit.

Thanks in advance for any feedback you can provide.
great question. i have been thinking many of the same thoughts. i have a krell hts, but have been running a separate preamp (the front left & right channels output from the hts run through my preamp) because the hts lacks a good analog preamp. I like the idea of simplifying with just the Anthem piece. I think the Proceed piece is very good (probably better than my hts) but the upgrade path is slow and expensive. You'll get much better bang for your buck with the Anthem.
Well, I have an AVP and I haven't heard the Anthem but I just went through a similar thought process and this is what made me decide to get the Proceed. 1. Great reviews....almost universal praise for the AVP. 2. I bought mine used for $2500.00 I figured that when the upgrade becomes available, I could upgrade my unit and have a $7000.00 unit that is cutting edge with Madrigal's quality behind it and which may be upgradable again for minimal cost.

I am a firm believer in "you get what you pay for" and in this case, I find it hard to believe that a $3200.00 Anthem can compete with a unit costing more than twice its price...not to say it couldn't happen but I doubt it.

I don't know if that helps but I hope it does.

Why not look into the classe SSP30??? I've a little experience with the AVM2 from Anthem, and wasn't at all impressed with the sound I was hearing! (yes, it's all system dependent and room and such, but still didn't care much for what was coming from the speakers!). The Proceed is definitely clean and great sounding. Although I'm not so sure it's better in either 2 channel or Surround than the Classe!!!
Anyway, The Anthem does offer Advanced bass managment flexibility (a plus for proper speaker/sub configuration maximization!!!), plus dirrect through puts for all channels, and 24/192 dac's or something!? 7 channel.
However, I'd only buy this piece if you audition it first!!! I've heard the others in mention sound very very good!...very good infact! Tough choice, and I guess depends on your set-up/needs. Have fun