Thanks guys for the advice. I have the Acoustat model 2 which has a nominal load of 6ohms.
From what I have read of the Atmos 140watt OTLs it sounds like what I want when I go back to work. I would love to hear them. Whatever I get it, is going to be tubes.
This recession s__ks!
I have read about the zero's but never heard them.Do they have much of a sonic signature? I imagine since they are passive it is minimal.
I use Paul's speaker cables and they are great.I love the fact that you can but first class sounding cables that don't cost more than a amplifier.I think the cable business could be the death of the hobby.Cables and Stones=snake oil.
Not that I don't believe that cables can make a difference,quite the contrary.But the margin on some of the stuff out there is grossly disgusting.Paul offers great sounding products for very reasonable prices.
The other cables I use are Mike Morrow's interconnects.These cables are terrific! If you have not heard them you should. And very reasonable.
Discalimer: Mike is a friend and in our club.
Once again, I can't thank you pros enough.My DIY projects have really come along nicely.And you guys and others have been a big help.
From what I have read of the Atmos 140watt OTLs it sounds like what I want when I go back to work. I would love to hear them. Whatever I get it, is going to be tubes.
This recession s__ks!
I have read about the zero's but never heard them.Do they have much of a sonic signature? I imagine since they are passive it is minimal.
I use Paul's speaker cables and they are great.I love the fact that you can but first class sounding cables that don't cost more than a amplifier.I think the cable business could be the death of the hobby.Cables and Stones=snake oil.
Not that I don't believe that cables can make a difference,quite the contrary.But the margin on some of the stuff out there is grossly disgusting.Paul offers great sounding products for very reasonable prices.
The other cables I use are Mike Morrow's interconnects.These cables are terrific! If you have not heard them you should. And very reasonable.
Discalimer: Mike is a friend and in our club.
Once again, I can't thank you pros enough.My DIY projects have really come along nicely.And you guys and others have been a big help.