Need opinions: Proceed AVP vs. Anthem AVM20

I am trying to decide on a "long term" home theater preamp, using 5.1 at first, but possibly 7.1 later. The Proceed AVP brings great quality and sound, but the guts are getting old, and it's a little pricey. The only available next upgrade for the AVP to support the newer surround modes will be a $1500-2000 hardware/software mod, on top of around $3000 to buy an AVP used. Anthem is releasing the upgrade to their AVM2, the AVM20, in another week. I only learned about Anthem through a dealer's recommendation when I was inquiring about the Proceed. Anthem's website lists all the latest toys inside this thing, basically all the stuff everybody complains is missing in the other brands. This preamp doesn't seem to lack. Most notably, it has an ultra-wide video bandwidth, which will easily support hdtv up to 1080p, not to mention line doublers and quads.

The question: Does anyone have any experience with the Anthem AVM2 which might indicate the quality/value/sound of the new AVM20? And is the AVM20 going to be an AVP-killer at list price $3200? If Anthem makes a good and reliable product, then this thing should be a hot seller, and should at least stoke the competition a bit.

Thanks in advance for any feedback you can provide.
Thanks for the feedback. I agree with points in both replies, which is why I'm having a difficult time with the decision.

The Proceed AVP is obviously of excellent quality. My concern with Proceed is the dead-end that became of the PAV/PDSD. Those fine "future-proof" $10,000 products are now selling used in the low $3000's. The only available next upgrade to the AVP is going to be $1500-2000 for hardware and software. This upgrade will be to just bring it up to spec with the other latest products on the market. $5000 for a used processor is more than I want to spend for the latest technology, and given the PAV lesson, I'm not sure I could justify dropping that much money on a processor. What happens if component video becomes more the standard than s-video? Another hardware upgrade for the AVP? Another ka-ching...

The new Anthem AVM20 has everything, including the kitchen sink. A surround processor is merely a computer, so it is easy to bundle all the toys in the latest products. The question I have about the Anthem is in its sound quality and build quality. I haven't really read anything bad about the Anthem AVM2 (the older version). For that matter, the B&K Ref30 in the same class enjoys pretty good reviews too.

So, I can buy an AVP1 for about $3000, upgrade it to the AVP2 for another $2000, total investment is $5000. For half that, I could pick up a new B&K Ref30 or the Anthem AVM20, and have all the latest features, including component video capability. The Anthem AVM20 sports a huge video bus of 100Mhz which will handle hdtv quite easily. I hear the Proceed's video bus runs at like 70Mhz, which is questionable about what it will support.

I have read reviews and opinions about surround processors, it just seems that Anthem has incorporated pretty much everything that has been complained about what other processors are lacking.

Does anyone have practical experience with the Anthem AVM2 or done any direct comparisons against other similar processors?
I had an AVM2 for awhile. The DAC's in it were very good. The preamp section was very detailed sounding. It replaced a Krell KRC-2. There are obvious differences between the two. The Krell uses all discrete class a outputs and sound great at any level. The Anthem sounded very good until you drove it hard then it could become a litle brittle sounding. This is definitely the preamp because they were both used to drive a Krell KAS250. For home theater the AVM2 was very nice and very user friendly. I replaced the AVM2 with a Krell HTS2. Not because I was unhappy with the Anthem but a deal came up and I basicaly had no choice.
If you are not currently using a preamp with a discrete class a output section then you may be very happy with the AVM20. I prefer the preamp sound of a Krell.
I hope this helps some.
I have not heard the Anthem, but do own an AVP. Its a wonderful unit. The upgrade coming soon will leapfrog everything else. Its supposed to incorporate many of the features and dacs developed for the new Levinson #40 A/V controller ($40,000 incidently!). I would rather bet $5000 on a Madrigal product than $3200 on a small company that might not be in business in two years. I almost bought a Chiro or an EAD processor. They were both hot products for a very reasonable price last year. I think both of those are gone. take care
Just for the record, Anthem is part of Sonic Frontiers. They are hardly a "small company" and will probably be around for quite some time. At least we hope so : ) Sean
I have an AVM-2 and auditioned it extensively prior to purchasing. I also took a hard look at the B&K pre. I was concerned with a popping issue with the B&K which helped me make my decision. I am very happy with my AVM-2. I have had no problems with it at all. In addition, I have the Anthem MCA5 amp and likewise have been very satisfied. I had a question not covered in the manual and it was promptly answered by Anthem customer service. For the money, I am very satisfied.

With respect to the "brittle sounding" comment above, this has not been my experience. I push my unit very hard and have no complaints. However, that is a listener specific issue. I suggest listening to the unit on the speakers you plan to use. FYI, I have B&W N803s.