Upgrade from TW Acustic Raven AC-3 to what?

I have had the TW turntable (with 10" Da Vinci Grandezza arm and Grandezza cartridge) for two years. I have been happy with this TT and can live with it for a long time although i wish it wasn't as dark sounding, that the soundstage could be more spacious and the bass tighter. The upgrade bug in me is wondering for 50K ore thereabout, is there a TT that is superlative over the TW? One that would end my upgrading itch for the next 10 years?
Regarding string Drive - my experience with the final audio ( high mass/ac drive ) was a big improvement in stability going from cotton ( slippage and stretch ) to surgical silk.
I'd really like to get a version of this with no knot if possible as I believe the knot is the weakness - anyone got any suggestions.
I also aligned the position of the drive string to be at the bearing point ( this is an inverted bearing design ) - again this seemed to be an improvement.
With regard to torque - my experieicnes using the adjustabe torque on the speed controller of the final are that there is definitely an optimum - the sound is much smoother at the optimum point, ie I go for the highest torque until the sound goes off.

lastly a question for Dover, what do you think of someone dumping a Walker Black Diamond for a refurbished Technics SP10 MKII ?????
My view would be use the money leftover to buy a high mass rigid turntable as mentioned in the threads above.
Dover if you and Detonarm went out and had dinner together one evening and the both of you ordered a bowel movement for your main course I for one would not listen to your advise on gourmet cooking.
That is the problem and the core misunderstanding between applied physics and taste. A mix-up or inherent error often happening in Audio. Many discussions in audio thought to be about technical or physical issues are in fact about taste, believe and fellowship.
We have seen some posts here lately which did not content one single technical aspect.
But even regarding taste - you know Oscar Wilde's unforgettable phrase.
But I am confident that Dover as well as me would be able to locate the right spot for a gourmet dinner. And we would choose the chef who really knows what he's doing and would not follow the latest hype or up-written advise which has just opened and presents a Cheeseburger with some golden sprinkles as haute cuisine.
Siltskin, I couldn't even recommend you following my advise. Neither in selecting the main course nor in high-end audio. Extremely expensive, not on the manual at all but special ordered, very special spices and only for the very educated and seasoned taste.
To make things even worse - I stopped eating meat in the very early 80ies........
Dover - as for the inevitable knot in threads (unless to melt certain special material together). I observed that if the knot is made in a special way, it moves onto the outside of the circle and won't interfere with pulley nor platter anymore. I will make a drawing of the knot and send to you by PN next week - when I have my Wacom board.
By the way - you may too give sewing linen a try. It has some very little stretch left (but only noticeable if the tension is too high anyway...), but features extremely high inner damping and a nice combination of grip and natural slippage (sounds like a contradiction in terms, but it really is that way). It works very good on the RX-5000 and even much higher platter mass.
However - surgical silk (I have way too many PhDs among my friends not giving this a try) is a very good choice too.