Upgrade from TW Acustic Raven AC-3 to what?

I have had the TW turntable (with 10" Da Vinci Grandezza arm and Grandezza cartridge) for two years. I have been happy with this TT and can live with it for a long time although i wish it wasn't as dark sounding, that the soundstage could be more spacious and the bass tighter. The upgrade bug in me is wondering for 50K ore thereabout, is there a TT that is superlative over the TW? One that would end my upgrading itch for the next 10 years?
Siltskin, I couldn't even recommend you following my advise. Neither in selecting the main course nor in high-end audio. Extremely expensive, not on the manual at all but special ordered, very special spices and only for the very educated and seasoned taste.
To make things even worse - I stopped eating meat in the very early 80ies........
Dover - as for the inevitable knot in threads (unless to melt certain special material together). I observed that if the knot is made in a special way, it moves onto the outside of the circle and won't interfere with pulley nor platter anymore. I will make a drawing of the knot and send to you by PN next week - when I have my Wacom board.
By the way - you may too give sewing linen a try. It has some very little stretch left (but only noticeable if the tension is too high anyway...), but features extremely high inner damping and a nice combination of grip and natural slippage (sounds like a contradiction in terms, but it really is that way). It works very good on the RX-5000 and even much higher platter mass.
However - surgical silk (I have way too many PhDs among my friends not giving this a try) is a very good choice too.
Knotless thead drive not difficult if you know what you are doing. Sorry about the pun.

I used Japanese embroidery silk which worked quite well by thread drive standards but is so far behind the state of the art that I dropped it as a commercial proposition. The fun part was that a huge range of colours is available - I used red, green and yellow and called it natty thread (with apologies to the late Bob Marley).
Dear Mosin,
Actually i have not sold my TW/Grandezza. Trying to tweak it in the mean time.
Simultaneoulsy, I have learnt a lot from the postings which i appreciate very much.

My best wishes that you get it exactly like you want. That is one of the fun parts of our hobby, and you'll know when it is there. After all, what we do is about music, isn't it?
