Mapleknoll Questions/ Trouble shooting


I am trying to help a friend set up his Mapleknoll after being in storage for several years. After new oil in the pump, new hose and ensuring the plenums are air tight, there are still a couple of annoying problems:

* The arm will not cue accuratley it tends to drift to the center of the record well dropping

* the arm hangs up part way through the record.

The table is absolutely level , the paddle is not bottoming out, the wires are not hanging up & the arm moves freely when cued up in the horizontal plane (or at least appears to)

What are some good next steps to look at next. The manual does not seem to help much. Thanks in advance.
Give up. A friend of mine who designs and builds electronics from scratch has one and I don't think he has set it up in years. When he had it set up it took all his talent, which is considerable, just to keep it running. When it is running it is a great turntable, unfortunately that is not often.
Hear LLC
Brooklyn, N.Y.
Ph: (718) 377-8010


They state that they are a repair center for Mapleknoll.
Worth a try contacting them.
The arm hang-up problem may be because the pump is weak, or at least not getting enough air to the arm for some reason. This is what happened with an ET-2 arm I had back in the early 90s.

But too many people have had major problems with the Mapleknolls, and I think Stanwal has the right idea.
Had one 20-25 yrs ago, tremendous sound but extremely fussy to set up. Used to have the same problem with the arm 'sticking', a stronger pump fixed it. If you go for an 'audiophile' pump it'll cost you. I found my solution at an art supply store, a pump for airbrushes worked fine.