Mapleknoll Questions/ Trouble shooting


I am trying to help a friend set up his Mapleknoll after being in storage for several years. After new oil in the pump, new hose and ensuring the plenums are air tight, there are still a couple of annoying problems:

* The arm will not cue accuratley it tends to drift to the center of the record well dropping

* the arm hangs up part way through the record.

The table is absolutely level , the paddle is not bottoming out, the wires are not hanging up & the arm moves freely when cued up in the horizontal plane (or at least appears to)

What are some good next steps to look at next. The manual does not seem to help much. Thanks in advance.

Thank you for your detailed advice and your generous offer to help.

I set this up maybe 10(or likely more) years ago for my friend but it has been awhile and my experience over the last 25 years or so has been with some pretty funky pivoted arms and more conventional tables like the Oracle and SME line.

I have put in about 4 hrs of set up so far and thought I had it but the last few lps exhibited the problems I outlined in thread.

Sorry, I will find out which specific model it is. The story on this one is it was one of the last one's produced and was sold direct by the distributor in to my friend brand new in a box. It has the refrigerator compressor in an oak box with the expanded metal screen on top: the high performance compressor. It has a composite corian type base and is likely the top line model.

I will try the tips you advised on as they are quite specific and easy to follow. I will post back in a week or so when I get back over there.

Thank you.


Oilmanmojo, I read through your thread and some of your older posts. It was clear afterwards that the arm spindal was not level. The block that the spindal runs through ,although bolted tight to the base, was not allowing the spindal to be level. Checking level on the top of the spinal block was fruitless as it was not finished square. I endend up loosening the two bolts that hold the spindal block to the base and shimming one side of the block with some acetate shims. And voila, level and no hang ups.

Some final cartridge alignment and checking the VTF and the table was good to go. It sounded quite nice.

It is an Airadane Signature. Thanks for all your advice. I hope this helps someone else.
Excellent! When properly set up, this table will outperform most tables made today. Also, once you set it up, it usually does not require any tweaking. Thanks for the feedback. Glad I could help