Time for new used cartridge

Just lost the tip on my Dynavector XV-1s and need to move on to purchasing another cart. I wish I could tell you what I liked about this cart but it is the only cart I've owned and bought it here on the Gon a couple yeas ago. My budget needs to be less than 5k and would love the first number to start with a 2. I know nothing about phono carts and hope for some sound advice. I have dealers I work with on certain product groups but prefer not buying new in this situation so I can't lean on those relationships

My music preferances are classic 70's rock, folk, female and male vocalist and some light jazz. Beatles, Dire Straites, Neil Young with some Lovett, Prine, Tom Russell added in there.

My front end consists of SME 20 and Graham Phantom running into the Aesthetix IO MKII.

I appreciate agility, speed, space and detail with a tilt towards warmth in the mids.

You consideration is appreciated!
A Benz LP might be your ticket given your taste and the type of music you listen to.
Why not have your XV-1s retipped at Soundsmith. Peter does fantastic work. You'll save a tremendous amount versus a cartridge purchase. The only downside is a long waiting period... I think his queue is 2-3 months.

(800) 942-8009
I concur with Mingles. The xv-1s is a very good cartridge. You can find different carts, but not necessarily better IMO. Peter did my XV-1s a few years back. I've been very pleased with the results.