Yes, your broken XV-1S can be repaired. I was there when Dan_Ed snapped the cantilever off his - ouch! - so his advice exactly suits your situation. Don't know Soundsmith's cost, but that's too good a cartridge to throw away without asking.
I can't think of many better carts for your stated sonic and musical goals and few that would as good, especially for < $3K.
Benz will be a shade warmer, richer and fuller, but also a hair slower and won't quite match the Dynavector's dynamics and extension. An easy cartridge to listen to and enjoy, not quite as hard rockin'.
Helikon is distinctly cooler, though it does have the advantages Syntax mentioned.
ZYX Atmos X-SB low output would be an excellent choice. All the bass, dynamics and punch of the XV-1S, greater HF extension and speed, a more neutral tonal palette than any of the above. SORAsound's now selling new for just $2495, a real "bargain" in our crazy world.
Transfiguration Orpheus would be a serious contender, especially the lower output version. Many of the same characteristics as the Atmos and a very good cartridge for your kind of music. $6K new, so maybe above your range unless you get lucky.
I can't think of many better carts for your stated sonic and musical goals and few that would as good, especially for < $3K.
Benz will be a shade warmer, richer and fuller, but also a hair slower and won't quite match the Dynavector's dynamics and extension. An easy cartridge to listen to and enjoy, not quite as hard rockin'.
Helikon is distinctly cooler, though it does have the advantages Syntax mentioned.
ZYX Atmos X-SB low output would be an excellent choice. All the bass, dynamics and punch of the XV-1S, greater HF extension and speed, a more neutral tonal palette than any of the above. SORAsound's now selling new for just $2495, a real "bargain" in our crazy world.
Transfiguration Orpheus would be a serious contender, especially the lower output version. Many of the same characteristics as the Atmos and a very good cartridge for your kind of music. $6K new, so maybe above your range unless you get lucky.