Syntax raises an important consideration. If you own a particular cartridge, enjoy what it does, know why it does what you like and believe a rebuilder could not match that, then a non-factory rebuild would be a risky choice at best.
For example, I would never let anyone but ZYX rebuild my UNIverse. No one else has access to the ZYX stylus. No one else winds coils the way they do. No one else knows exactly what elastomers they use. All of these features are critical to specific performance capabilities which I value.
OTOH, Sgs freely admits he hasn't heard other cartridges. He has little basis of comparison and no way of judging how replacing any particular component in his XV-1S would alter the sound in ways that matter to him. For him, a non-factory rebuild at 1/4 the cost would at worst give him a chance to hear "another" cartridge.
Of course he could choose the safer factory rebuild/replacement and remain equally happy, though equally ignorant. :-)
It's an interesting choice, and unfortunately he has insufficient knowledge or experience to know which choice would be better for him. None of us can hear what he hears and know for him. All he can do is consider all the possibilities and choose what makes sense to him...