Well Tempered Classic TT Belt Replacement

I have a friend who owns a late version of the WTT Classic and he is in need of replacement belts. Does anyone know if these are available and from whom? He already contacted a mail order house who sent him a replacement belt that is completely incorrect.

Try Stanalog, I think he's still going. He was handling the older WT's. Toffco is handling the new Amadeus, yet he's such a nice guy he might be able to help.
Yes, only use their belt.

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If you run into problems getting the belt for the legacy model, I agree with those who mentioned giving Mike Pranka at Toffco a call.

Obviously, given the differences, there is no guarantee Mike can do anything. But, he's one of the best people you are going to encounter in this business. If he can help you, I'm confident he will.