Using XLR for Phono out

Hi folks, I am setting up my stereo on paper first and have an interesting question. I have bought a PS Audio GCPH phono preamp. It has RCA inputs for phone but output
can be RCA or XLR! PSAudio states their amp is all balanced. I am using a VPI JWM tonearm that has direct RCA outputs. I am using XLR from preamp Cambridge 840E to my Marklevinson 336. Should I use the XLR phono output to the preamp too? Thanks, Rique.
Am I missing something here? Is any phono cartridge balanced? It would appear that until your signal is at a balanced architecture of the preamp or phono stage there is nothing but being single ended. To my mind balanced to balanced connection from there on out is a best bet.

Happy Listening!
To my understanding, all stereo cartridges are basically(or at least could be) made with "balanced" circuits.
I also agreed "balanced to balanced from there on out is the best bet" especially with longer cable length.

Dear Rfsayles, Yes, most cartridges, with very few exceptions, are inherently balanced devices. Neither side of the output wires are grounded. In an MC cartridge, the two outputs come from either end of the coil, etc.

By the way, I had a wonderful English composition teacher when I was in college, by the name of Roger Sayles. Could you be him or his son? (He would have to be in his 70s at this juncture.) One of the most important figures in my academic life.
The outputs on the JWM tone arm I have are RCA SE as are the inputs on the GCPH, so after the signal is processed by the phono preamp (GCPH) it comes out through the balanced outputs to the amp...balanced I suppose! No other way out unless VPI figures a way to connect the cartridge to tone are and enables XLR outputs. I will let you know how it goes. Thanks for the great input
I don't know how the RCA inputs on the GCPH are configured. They COULD be set up for balanced mode, IF the ground connection on the RCA actually carries the negative phase of the audio signal. To test this, you could see whether there is electrical continuity between the ground of the RCA jack (the outer barrel shaped part that touches the flange of the male RCA connector) and the chassis. If there is continuity, then the GCPH is seeing the phono signal as SE. As for your phono cables, do you have a separate wire for grounding to the preamp chassis? If so, then it is possible that you can get a balanced signal out of the cables, if the shield of the cable is not otherwise grounded, either via that discrete wire or at the input jack. It's a confusing mess, I know. Best advice is to enjoy what you've got.