Ortofon MC A90 cartridge

I have had this cartridge for just over a month now and WOW.

The A90 IMO is as pure a cartridge that I have ever heard.

If you like your system you will absolutely luv this cartridge.

Thanks Mike L for giving me the tip - revealing and musical- absolutely. ruthless - never

Anyone else got one?

Paul, will you be reviewing the A90 at some stage? I'd like to hear your impressions given your enthusiastic review of the Windfeld.

Agree that the 47ohm loading should help prevent any tendency for a rising top octave. In my setup, I think the A90 sounds more transparent at 47ohms - more controlled/sharper transients as well. I can more easily hear how instruments are positioned. I wonder if this has something to do with the (slight) loading of the generator.
Raul, it's not just an SPL change that I'm hearing (see above) - and we are talking about a very small change in level (I think the difference would actually be closer to 0.4dB with the A90's 4ohm generator). In any case, generally there is a tendency to prefer the louder option in A-B comparisons.

I enlisted the help of my 10yo daughter to change input resistance while I listened - it's definitely more than just a level change occurring in my system. I can't duplicate the same 'sound' by adjusting level at the 100ohms setting.
However I agree this may be just a synergy interaction with my particular equipment/setup, as always YMMV.
Dear Tobes: Only to have clear what you posted: +++++" I enlisted the help of my 10yo daughter to change input resistance while I listened.... " +++++

Could I assume that you don't change the preamp volume selector ?

Atr the end the important subject is what you like my question is only to understand about and not to be in controversy or start a controversy.

Regards and enjoy the music,
You are correct Raul, I was not adjusting the volume - but like I said this is a very slight volume change.

The details of the sound that I noted above remain consistent at the 47ohm setting - regardless of level - and are not available, to the same extent, at the 100ohm setting (regardless of level).

I do believe my system (phono amp?) may have some preference for lower phono loading of MC's - though the manufacturer of my phono, Plinius, suggest 47Kohms(!) as "a suitable all-round setting" for the M14. I used the Jubilee at 47ohms for a while, though with that cartridge it was less successful and sounded a bit too 'closed in' - so I reverted back to a more conventional 100ohms or even 470ohms.

I may be remembering this incorrectly, but I think it was Jonathan Carr who said some phono amps may prefer lower loading due to noise pickup at the phono input (Jonathan's own phono amp has a fixed high input resistance).

Who knows, it may be taming the HF peak, generator damping or noise pickup....or something else...in the end it's what works best to the individuals ears I suppose.
" the Reed is the real deal....and i can't wait to be able to compare the Technics/Reed to the Garrard/Triplaner head to head both with A90's next week "

this will be very interesting , please keep us posted on this battle .also like other said if you don't mind trying the A90 on the Reed arm and see how it does.
