Ortofon MC A90 cartridge

I have had this cartridge for just over a month now and WOW.

The A90 IMO is as pure a cartridge that I have ever heard.

If you like your system you will absolutely luv this cartridge.

Thanks Mike L for giving me the tip - revealing and musical- absolutely. ruthless - never

Anyone else got one?


to avoid further cluttering this thread with non-A90 advice, please e-mail me (or post on my system page) MM/MI recommendations which are currently "reasonably" purchasable which might represent this superior performance you are touting.

"The production capacity for A 90 is limited as the Single Laser Mould is a very special process. The structures for A90 are produced by a Danish research Insitute, Teknologisk Institut Aarhus, their capacity is limited at the machine is one of 3 in all Europe.
They use it mostly for research purposes but we are a partner for them in their research for using this process for manufacturing "

I wonder how high the A90 would have been priced if it was being marketed by one of the more 'esoteric' cartridge manufacturers?
This cartridge was still a stretch for me, but it sounds stellar and uniquely transparent IME. Thank goodness Ortofon didn't decide to put an inflated 'exclusive' sticker price on the A90 - otherwise I would have been denied access to this type of performance.
y.s: >> the A90 is clearly in a different musical and sonic league compared to the Windfeld for only a little price premium.<< and
>> The A90 however is comfortable better than the MP50 in my system.<<
Very good feedback thank you, as the MP-50 sounds clearly better then my Windfeld by some notable margin ---- yet the difference between the former STAR of their product line and the A90 must therefore be APPRECIABLY more the I have understood this to be the case. (In fact it well might rubbish that *former star*, obviously the case since now being discontinued, hm)
Having the same "motor" and only a different housing truly makes a case for how much the housing seems to contribute the sound! (JCarr had a lot to say on that subject and how right he seems to be)
Food for thought in deed, and thank you for suffering me mentioning any other name than A90 only.
Axel, the differences between the Windfeld and MCA90 may indeed be significant but your preference for the MP50 over the Windfeld and indeed other MM's over the Windfeld which you have repeatedly stated in other threads leads me to conclude that rather than all these MM's actually being innately superior to MC's it may well be that:

1. Your Windfeld in defective or

2. You are not realizing its or any other MC's full potential in your system.

Could either of these not be a possibility rather than just repeatedly stating the cartridge's imperfections vis a vis good MM's?

Apologies to Downunder going down the MM/MC path but at least I mentioned the MCA90. By the way I own neither the Windfeld nor the MC
A90 but would like an MCA90 when finances permit.
First off, I will put my two cents in on the A90. I have made a genuine run at listening to most of the better carts out there including a few MI/MM. In my opinion, the A90 is one of the three best carts I have heard in my rig and of the three, the most honest AND best value. IMHO of course. The other two carts in my top three are the Lyra Olympos and Koetsu Coralstone.
I will be visiting Mike Lavigne next month to try out a few new tricks for the 301. Since there seems to be a lot of interest in how the A90/Olympos compares to some of the MM/MI carts, I will bring a MP-50, Andante P-76 and M20FL Super and if Mike has the time and desire, we can do a comparison and share the results. My kind of fun.