Ortofon MC A90 cartridge

I have had this cartridge for just over a month now and WOW.

The A90 IMO is as pure a cartridge that I have ever heard.

If you like your system you will absolutely luv this cartridge.

Thanks Mike L for giving me the tip - revealing and musical- absolutely. ruthless - never

Anyone else got one?

This Ortofon A90 is a beautiful cartridge and perhaps the best so far that I have experienced. I don't own one, a long time audio dealer friend of mine likes it very much so.
Pardon me this is off the main topic. Downunder I have fond memories of the Pioneer Exclusive P3 along with the entire Exclusive line of other components.
Japanese HiFi back in the day was certainly cutting edge technology especially with their best turn tables.
I would like to finish off with I'm happy to see a resurgence of some of these vintage turn tables, tone arms and mm cartridges. Back to the future of HiFi?
Downunder, Phaser,
this does not strictly belong here as already mentioned. Yet as the Windfeld has the same motor as the A90 and 47ohm loading was mentioned as very good with the A90, I now gave that a try with Windfeld.
Voila! it happens to be THE best setting, and as things go --- the ONE I actually had not tried.
So thank you, and have a merry Xmas.
Do you guys think that the 47-ohm load would also be optimal for the MC7500, given the familial relationship among the MC7500, Windfield, and MCA90 cartridges? I like the MC7500 at 100 ohms very much. If I would critique it I would say that it is slightly "dry" sounding, gives lots of inner detail but maybe not so much in the way of "goosebumps". On the other hand, I came to it from years of listening to my Koetsu Urushi, so you could say I had been conditioned to a different sound that is anything but "dry". In comparison, the Colibri gives the best bit of both worlds, but it is finicky. I don't know how I ever lived without 3 turntables. (Meant as self-deprecation)
Axel, good news that you are getting better performance out of your Winfeld.

Lewm, not sure buy try the lower setting - you can always go back.

I have been using 100 ohms, so I may try my 50ohm setting now on my phono :-)

12-24-09: Lewm
Do you guys think that the 47-ohm load would also be optimal for the MC7500, given the familial relationship among the MC7500, Windfield, and MCA90 cartridges? I like the MC7500 at 100 ohms very much. If I would critique it I would say that it is slightly "dry" sounding, gives lots of inner detail but maybe not so much in the way of "goosebumps". On the other hand, I came to it from years of listening to my Koetsu Urushi, so you could say I had been conditioned to a different sound that is anything but "dry".

Anything is possible but, going by the specifications, the MC7500 doesn't appear that similar to the Windfield/A90.
The MC7500 has very low output of 0.13mv and a 6ohm DCR (compared to 0.3mV and 4ohms). Clearly it has different electrical properties.
However since phono input loading *may* have more to do with damping the ultrasonic resonance peak (per Jcarr) - and how the phono amp deals (or doesn't) with this peak - it may be worth a try.

FWIW, there seems to be no consensus on loading for the Windfeld. A search here on Audiogon shows some people swear by 500-1Kohms - others say load below 100ohms. Unfortunately there appears to be no specific 'right' value that can be applied across all systems - but I think we already covered that above.