Ortofon MC A90 cartridge

I have had this cartridge for just over a month now and WOW.

The A90 IMO is as pure a cartridge that I have ever heard.

If you like your system you will absolutely luv this cartridge.

Thanks Mike L for giving me the tip - revealing and musical- absolutely. ruthless - never

Anyone else got one?

It's nice to see some vinyl enthusiasts still believe in pricier MC carts of really good designs. I haven't heard A90 but a Per Windfeld. If wisely matched and correctly used, it's believed Per Windfeld is as capable as much pricier carts on the market. I wish I could hear A90 in my system later...

Thanks for the details and comparisons against other, pricier cartridges. But I have to ask (because I own one) ... has anyone compared this to a Transfiguration cartridge?
Not sure what VTA the other A90 folks are using, however I thought I would share.

Sometimes it is hard to teach old dogs new tricks. In all the years of listening to MC's and the last 8 with the dyna XV-1, I have always set the VTA around level or back down - you know the audiophile rules - back down = less treble/bright - back up - more treble or brighter.

I slightly raised the back up and the improvement in sound is quite startling. Clearer, more transparent yet also more pure/organic, better drive and bass impact. A very nice improvement to what was all ready wonderful.

I do change from 50 ohms to 100ohm loading and 50ohms may sound a little more pure and 100ohm sounds a little more vibrant. In my system setup I mostly prefer 100ohms - probably more to do with the slightly laid back presentation my system has.

Now that I re-read this thread I see Mike L was using his A90 slightly back up as well.

What setup paramaters do others use?

I have had the A90 on my vintage Exclusive P3 for a couple of mnths now. I planned to move it back to my Raven AC-3 as the Raven is getting about as much play as Tiger is with his wife.
Trouble is, I am loath to re-set up the A90 on the Raven, as it is sounding so sweet on the P3. Still saving for that 2nd A90. My XV-1 after many years service will be retired with dignity and grace.

Shane, I have my A90 pretty close to horizontal...perhaps just a touch up at the rear going by the Phantom's mircopoise bubble level (but well within the centre guide lines).

The cartridge still sounds good if VTA is a bit off, but you don't get that same image 'pop' and presence - nor the bass snap - that you get when it's right.

If you do mount the A90 in your Phantom (on the Raven) I have a tip. Try some Caig Pro-gold on the Phantoms cartridge clips, arm wand pins, DIN and RCA connections. I hadn't done this since purchasing the Phantom and I was amazed at the obvious improvement in both image palpability and fine textural detail - leading to even greater musical involvement and flow.

I don't recall ever hearing such an obvious improvement when treating with Pro-Gold on previous occasions. These are no doubt critical connections, but I think the A90's great clarity and performance potential makes the treatment very worthwhile.

I set the A90 on the Phantom / Raven on Sunday when the family was out.
You are right, the A90 sounds great regardless. I am sure with my back slightly up it sounds better than it did several mnths back with the Phantom.
Obviously with the Phantom you can easily experiment over time.

I don't have any Craig, but I think I might have some kontact around somewhere.

Anyway, try the A90 with the arm slightly up at the back and see if you feel it is an improvement.