vpi super SSM rim drive vs grand prix monaco

I am narrowing choices for a "final" turntable, upgrading from a Rega planar 9. If one believes the Monaco white paper, belt drive will always have ongoing audible speed variations. With a good arm, the monaco is about triple the price the turntable/arm setup of an SSM "reference." By all accounts, the combo of rim drive and the "synchronous drive system" seems to achieve the same design goals and much less cost. I intend to check for myself in the new year, and will report. I question how much the audible difference is beween these 2 tables in a revealing system (aesthetix io/atlas/vandy 5a) electronics and speaker). Any opinions about synergy beween that system and turntable and a comparison between the 2 tables would be appreciated.
Thanks, and happy holidays, Tom
Hi guys
I am in a similar boat or about to be.I have the original VPI SS with speed control etc .I am deliberting if the full upgrade would result in a equal deck to say for example the Systemdeck 3 at circa 1600K.My dealer assures me the VPI would not be near it and to be fair to him he is a honest guy and knows what he is talking about.
Any views please
You should also consider the Teres Verus rim drive system. It is much easier to set up and some who have made direct comparisons with the VPI rim drive found that it's sound quality to be better than the VPI. Also the Verus has it's own motor contoller so it does not require the VPI SDS motor controller.
To add to the confusion, I don't think you should limit yourself to GP Monaco, as your direct-drive alternative to rim drive. And you could potentially save yourself a lot of money in so doing.