I will be visiting Larry again this week. I will take the same albums, relisten, and get back to you all. But, having said that;
I too will have a second look at the O-rings. Another 'BUT',: having looked at the website, thought, and used my tiny little analytical brain, have come to a realisation:: 1) there are four O-rings, not one. This immediately says to me he has already thought of the torque and possible problems with 'creep', pitting, thermal expansion, bulging, etc.. 2) the O-rings appear in the photograph to be very well seated, and tight. Creap is not a concern to me. 3) Larry deals with Aircraft type tolerence's and products. I will ask, but I highly doubt, that he uses anything less then aircraft quality O-rings.
Case in point, his Olite bearing is used in military helicopters, this is because no other bearing can withstand the stress involved with helicopter rotors. I doubt a turntable will develop the same stresses, but he uses it anyways.
I will ask and querry Larry, but I already know he has addressed this topic in his equally little feeble brilliant mind.
I too will have a second look at the O-rings. Another 'BUT',: having looked at the website, thought, and used my tiny little analytical brain, have come to a realisation:: 1) there are four O-rings, not one. This immediately says to me he has already thought of the torque and possible problems with 'creep', pitting, thermal expansion, bulging, etc.. 2) the O-rings appear in the photograph to be very well seated, and tight. Creap is not a concern to me. 3) Larry deals with Aircraft type tolerence's and products. I will ask, but I highly doubt, that he uses anything less then aircraft quality O-rings.
Case in point, his Olite bearing is used in military helicopters, this is because no other bearing can withstand the stress involved with helicopter rotors. I doubt a turntable will develop the same stresses, but he uses it anyways.
I will ask and querry Larry, but I already know he has addressed this topic in his equally little feeble brilliant mind.