Recommended interconnect phono to preamp

Hello, I am looking for a 0.5m interconnect for my VPI-JWA tone arm to a GCPH Cambridge preamp. I'm just overwhelmed at the number of choices. I will not be fooled by a 5000U$ half meter of anything but I want a quality shielded cable.
Thanks for the input.
Here's the choice I've been happily using for many years now.

and this won't break your back account

simply superb single crystal cables
I am a VPI dealer and have had good luck with the Van den Hul THE FIRST ULTIMATE in the metal screened version. Actually the unscreened works as well in most cases. I was using them myself before becoming a dealer. But there is no one cable that will sound best in every case.
In my system, heavy emphasis on my system, the Hovland Music Groove 2 was the best one I found without more than doubling my price. YMMV.
I believe that GCPH is not made by Cambridge but PS Audio and I am very pleased with Morrow Audio PH3 cables.