Wloeb, that's nice you were able to do that, but what about classifying the genres of music in your collection? How did you handle compilations or soundtracks? Also, the year of the disc publication, composer, conductor, etc wouldn't be there.
I just really feel that people should be discouraged from using WAV files. My FLAC files can be queried for music by a particular composer, or I can get all 80's music, or even pieces by a particular violinist. I do this all with my squeezeboxes, and none of this was possible when I was using WAV files around 10 years ago.
I just really feel that people should be discouraged from using WAV files. My FLAC files can be queried for music by a particular composer, or I can get all 80's music, or even pieces by a particular violinist. I do this all with my squeezeboxes, and none of this was possible when I was using WAV files around 10 years ago.