Continuum Caliburn - really the best TT on earth?

I have read so many good things about the Caliburn but also figured out that this table needs some care (software, o-ring, air suction etc.) To my knowledge they have improved the table over the last three years.

Is there anyone out who has experience with this table besides of audio shows -meaningly having tested the Caliburn with the Cobra and e.g. a Lyra system within a very good chain? Is there any reason not to go for a Caliburn?
Narrod and Elinor, of course you are right too and I do see from your statements you have quite an understanding of analogue business in this segment.

we might see some improvements, also on the design side, in this week. So it is an ongoing journey...
Don't confuse me, some say: LP12...the 1. Generation, touched from Ivor before leaving the factory...
Before all TTs are listed here, pls. wait two more days.
But what is so special with the Saskia except of good looking?