Continuum Caliburn - really the best TT on earth?

I have read so many good things about the Caliburn but also figured out that this table needs some care (software, o-ring, air suction etc.) To my knowledge they have improved the table over the last three years.

Is there anyone out who has experience with this table besides of audio shows -meaningly having tested the Caliburn with the Cobra and e.g. a Lyra system within a very good chain? Is there any reason not to go for a Caliburn?
Mikelavigne and Thuchan--

I too spent some time listening (with my own vinyl I brought with me) to the Continuum at CES yesterday. I fully agree with Mike--I was hearing subtleties and cues I've never heard before, and with an absolutely rock-solid pitch and soundstage. Very impressive. However (and satisfying Thucan's curiosity), the system was playing through Wilson loudspeakers (Sashas, I think?) and for me, this was a great disappointment. I'm just not a Wilson sort of guy. Nonetheless, one could still tell the 'table was doing all the right things.
i'm on the way home to Seattle from CES, sitting in the Sacramento airport on the wifi, with 3 hours to kill (the flight is delayed till 8pm).


true, the CES system the Caliburn was in was not familiar to me, but added to my previous experiences i am comfortable offering my opinion. as a long time Rockport owner i feel there might be an interest in my viewpoint relative to the thread subject. nothing i said was any sort of revelation or bombshell. anyone can ignore or consider my comments as they see fit.

my comments were prefenced by 'i think'. no statements, no proclamations. i'm not likely to hear these tt's side by side anytime soon, or even in the same or similar system. we do what we can.

btw, your point is not unreasonable to make.
Dear Mike: I don't ignore nothing coming from you, as is I ask you.

I'm interested too in what you and othet people post about the Caliburn and certainly not because I want to buy it ( I don't have than kind of money. ) but I want to figure ( at least ) what the Caliburns really is.

I will try to have the opportunity to hear it. I think that even that many of us can't buy it the experience to hear it is something that ( if we can. ) we can't miss.

Regards and enjoy the music,
I wouldn't recommend using any stand other than the Castellon for the Caliburn as that is the only floor-mounted stand that equals a good wall-mounted shelf and this was told to me by the Caliburn Designer Mark Doehmann.

This link will show you how the Caliburn can look in an apartment I designed for my friend Richard

Thank you for sharing the required a bit of time to load, but well worthwhwile :-) Excellent model for assessing a single variable at a time, i.e. cartridges.
