Continuum Caliburn - really the best TT on earth?

I have read so many good things about the Caliburn but also figured out that this table needs some care (software, o-ring, air suction etc.) To my knowledge they have improved the table over the last three years.

Is there anyone out who has experience with this table besides of audio shows -meaningly having tested the Caliburn with the Cobra and e.g. a Lyra system within a very good chain? Is there any reason not to go for a Caliburn?
I had very good talkings in Singapore and now I am quite sure what I will be faced with. Tomorrow morning I will take a great leap forward and go to Australia.

Halcro, I might ring your bell in the evening, if you don`t mind. I will then head forward to Melbourne on my virtual tour...
Dear Thuchan,
I would be delighted to talk with you or if you stop at Sydney I could meet you as well?

My home number is 612 93871875 or mobile (0)450291747.

I look forward to touching bases?

Mr.Sintax that is so true :)
The topic here is of interest of a interesting turntable concept. All though my memory of listening to this table a few years ago was not so memorable. By the sounds of things they got the gremlins out of it or just bad timing do to a bad set up I never did any follow up.

Thuchan what a set of beautiful turntables you have always loved those Micros and boy have the used Micro got hot these last few years. Just rmember if you do need to make room for a Caliburn I do have room for one more table at my place.
Lastly hopefully the weather DownUnder will be slightly warmer then in this hemisphere.
Looking forward to your report on the Continuum Caliburn

Hi Thuchan.
phone me if you need any help getting around audiophiles in melbourne.

Cheers and have a good trip .