Continuum Caliburn - really the best TT on earth?

I have read so many good things about the Caliburn but also figured out that this table needs some care (software, o-ring, air suction etc.) To my knowledge they have improved the table over the last three years.

Is there anyone out who has experience with this table besides of audio shows -meaningly having tested the Caliburn with the Cobra and e.g. a Lyra system within a very good chain? Is there any reason not to go for a Caliburn?
Dbcooper, ****dinner with Norah Jones****** - I guess this is one of the very few points were you can reach wide spread agreement with most audiophiles......
Eckart - take it slow and easy.
Weekend is ahead.

The Criterion manual is one of the best of its kind like the Copperhead manual, the arm I will mount on the Criterion. Redscouser, it seems you have experience with that table. Thanks for the advice. You mean using the four screws and moving the board a little I guess. Does it work like a flywheel? It should have some impact on the platter. Dietrich, you are right, this is a somehow dangerous job - keeping the hands not in the right position when lowering the heavy platter - uuh. As I am sitting in a train right now there is no risk at the moment...
Mr D ,,,,dinner with Norah Joans and reaching wide spread agreement with most audiophiles,agree tis a highly emotional driven hobby for some, to much maybe

Eckart, we dont need you getting hurt at this stage you have my attention, have fun!
Dear Thuchan,

I have followed this thread over the last few days and I would like to contribute, if I may, a different view point.

Unless there is more to it than what was shared in this thread, your purchase has all the hallmarks of an impulsive purchase.

None of my impulsive buys over the years led to long-term enjoyment *especially* when I compromised the *dream*.

If you had set your eyes on the Caliburn, the Criterion will not do in the longer run.

I sincerely hope that I am wrong and that you will keep enjoying the Criterion for the years to come. With apologies to everyone if my comment is out of line, but it honestly documents my 25-year long analogue journey.
