Avid acustus reference vs TW acustic raven AC3

Does anybody has experience of these two turntables and how they compare to each other?
If you go with the TW AC3 and Breuer, try an Allaerts cart. A couple of friends that I know run the Breuer with it and prefer it to the Xv-1s in that arm.
I have the Phantom 2, triplanar 7 and davinci. Carts owned include xv1T, PC1, Coralstone, ultraeminent, titan i; brief experience with PC1 supreme.

Davinci floats the soundstage best with more airy presentation. My favourite is ultraeminent BC from my sonic lab. Coralstone is a close second. PC1 is not bad if you can tolerate not having the most detailed presentation. Supreme is not worth the extra money for me.

No exp. with Breuer.

Jadis is very good gear. Used to have a 88S.
Hi, I would be very interested by your experience on the cartridges you mentioned bacause they are representing a broad range of options available for hi-end cartridges. I live in the Netherlands so your positive feedback regarding Breuer/allaerts combo is promising. What about the xv1T, PC1, Coralstone, ultraeminent, titan i? What are their respective merits?
I posted a summary of what I thought of the carts under my system thread. Never tried the Breuer/Allaert myself.
I have heard good things about the UltraEminent BC. Can you tell us some more. I have owned the original MSL Eminent & the PC1 which would be a wonderful reference point if you have owned them.