VPI Classic - Now you have one......

For all who have had the Classic for a while now...what's it like to live with and is it what you expected it to be or more/ less?
I am absolutely delighted with mine, I went from listening to vinyl about 1/3 of the time to about 3/4 of the time now. Easily the most seductive component I've ever owned (over 40 years worth with many, many changes).
Have mine in house about 2 weeks now. Ive owned the HW-19 MkIII, Scout, Scoutmaster and Aries tables. The Classic reminds me of the Aries 10 combo in signature, but it does surpass the Aries in coherence, dynamics, quietness, and the bass is amazing! Love the new platter, although how does one keep the darn thing clean and scratch free??... Quite a table though!

I'm running a vintage Grace F9-E with Ruby cantilever and sounds great...have a new Dyna DV-20H on order...but Im looking to perhaps give it an even better cart....and may sell the 20 before opening it.

Not to high-jack this thread, but what carts are Classic owner running on their 10.5i SE arms with good sound??
I have a new Grado The Reference 1 Statement (low output), it's been steallar.
I'm coming back to my earlier thread: Would one of you guys by kind enough to let me know the clearance below the table (i.e. how much free space is below the table) and the Height of the top of the junction box above the rest surface on which the TT is standing. You can post it here or email me at maxr41@comcast.net. Thanks you very much in advance.
Wow, sounds like another VPI winner. Does anyone know how to get in touch with the Broward County Florida guy who is discounting these tables from his home? Money has been tight lately because of the economy. Thanks in advance.