Dear Curio: Yes the Ikeda is very good too and an option for you.
Ldorio is right the bearing on the Ortofon is a little better than the one on Jelco but is dificult to say its performance differences with your cartridge if you don't have both bis a bis to compare.
The Ortofon and the AT IMHO are " save " choices.
About the AT, there is an item ( from Micro Seiki ) to mount the arm rest in any TT ( including the Raven. ), maybe you can ask about with the tonearm seller. Anyway if you decide for the AT I can send you a picture on the item because if you can't find it some one can build for you, is very simple.
The VTA on the fly that comes in the Ortofon design ( Analog_soul point out. ) is an advantage because no one of the other tonearms name it here have it.
Regards and enjoy the music,