Best TT plinth material, cost no object

It is said that the best material with which to build a loudspeaker cabinet is LEAD, the second best is concrete and the third is Aluminum. Only the third has been adapted by the industry, for obvious reasons.

Internal and extraneous vibrations need to be dampened or eliminated if sound smearing is to be reduced,

Now to the turntable; remove it from the influence of vibrations, internal vibrations not withstanding, and the vinyl should sound better.

Not all of us can put the turntable outside on the sidewalk where only the elements can affect the sound, but can we make the plinth so HEAVY that we can come close to removing the turntable from the sound room entirely?

Can a lead plinth, not too practical, get us as close as possible to putting the turntable outside, on the concrete walk?

Your thoughts, Ken
One could just as well posit that the differences in sound among the 3 tables are primarily due to unwanted resonances, either within the turntable mechanism or from the respective plinths, and that slate either dampens the chassis resonance or eliminates the resonance of the factory plinth by replacing it entirely. Once that happens, if you play the same LP on the 3 turntables, you would expect/want them to sound more (but still not exactly) alike. That's what I hear. What favors that hypothesis is that the sound is more neutral. The 3 turntables did not take on a "similar characteristic" so much as they became more neutral to my ears. I suppose you could say "neutral is a coloration". There is no resolution through discussion. That's the beauty of it and the frustration too. I am not saying that slate is the only way to go or even the best way to go. But for me, it's all good.
Hi Lewm,

Howard and I are just a few minutes apart. As you may know, Howard has four L o7d tables set up and running with different cartridges that afford him the ability to match the music to the cartridge of choice. It's hard to beat a combination like that!.

I guess you and I are distant neighbors. I generally travel through MD four or five times a year. If I might, I'll email you the next time I'm in your area. If it's convenient maybe we could connect for an hour or two and compare notes. Conversely, if you ever get to Richmond please let me know as I'd enjoy a meeting. Maybe I'll even have the table done by then.

Ken, That would be great, either way. I live just across the American Legion bridge on the Maryland side of the Potomac but right along the river. I am very anxious to get my L07D up and running. Now how is this relevant to the thread? Have any of you guys ever examined an L07D plinth? I don't know what it's made of, it looks and feels like cement and it is as dead as cement but seems more dense than cement. I think it's a proprietary material that Kenwood invented for their top of the line turntable, ever. But they were thinking about the significance of the plinth material in a dd turntable more than 30 years ago.
Hey Lewm

thanks for the explanation. what you hear is what matters. the reason I struck up the conversation was to get a better feel for the background of your experiences. I am 100% in the "what sounds best" is "best" camp, yet I still feel I need to adhere to some type of logical structure for collecting data based on experience.

Always nice to hear that some mini meets are organizing. It is a very positive way to compare and learn from each others, especially in turntable plinths department. Don't forget to report your meet impressions !
