Graham Phantom ArmWand ?

Appreciate any help with wands for the Phantom I. I assume I have the Phantom I because it appears the II had the VTA Level and mine doen't. I own two wands and the one I bought used can not hold a candle to the one that came with the tonearm. For that matter I can not get the 2nd one to image at all....maybe that was why the seller sold it. They appear the same but one does weigh more. Anyway to my question...I want to buy another 2nd wand and am confused. From what I have read there is the aluminum wand that I think was on the earlier tonearms, then there is the the ceramic one that I assume is what came with my Phantom I, and now I see there is a titanium wand that comes with the Phantom II.

Will the titanium wand work with my tonearm? And I would assume it sounds as good or better than my ceramic one?

I now own 2 cartridges and have the need for the 2nd wand and want to move on past the 2nd ill sounding one I now own.

Thank you for your thoughts.
He has my Phantom II for check up/repair for more than 2 months now and does not respond to follow up query in the last few weeks. Very frustrating.
This thread is turning into a Bob Graham thread and that was not my intention. I was really hoping for personal thoughts based on experience. I have now reserched this second ill sounding wand I own and it is the same as my (sounds great)wand....they are both ceramic. I do plan on sending the ill sounding wand to Bob with no expectations. I have also, yesterday, purchased the newer Phantom II Titanium wand.
Thanks to all,
My apology for taking this in the wrong direction. I hope you will get an answer to the mystery.