Hi Syntax!
As far as I understand you favour Miyabi Standard, some others seem to do as well.
You certainly have a wonderful system that should reveal pros & cons of components under test.
I´m surprised of your opinion on PC-1, have you owned it or listened to it somewhere else.
I have PC-1 and after making set-up with Best Tractor from Mint LP the sound was much, much better than before.
I can listen to music forever without getting fatigue.
Although I would prefer more articulation on voices.
Titan: detailed, detailed.....interesting.
Could this be it and still listen for hours or would You recommend Standard.
Well it`s not easy to ansver when not knowing my system.
I will mail You photos/details of my system, if interested, and would very much appreciate your recommendation and thoughts.
My dream is to come as close to live performance as possible (taking home surrounding limitation in consideration).
My previous cartridges: VDH GrassHopper III, Decca and Shure V-15 they where all on a different system, mainly solid state. Now I use all tubes, appart from Meridian CD-player which I don´t listen to much.
Many thanks and appreciate your ansver, well worth consider.
As far as I understand you favour Miyabi Standard, some others seem to do as well.
You certainly have a wonderful system that should reveal pros & cons of components under test.
I´m surprised of your opinion on PC-1, have you owned it or listened to it somewhere else.
I have PC-1 and after making set-up with Best Tractor from Mint LP the sound was much, much better than before.
I can listen to music forever without getting fatigue.
Although I would prefer more articulation on voices.
Titan: detailed, detailed.....interesting.
Could this be it and still listen for hours or would You recommend Standard.
Well it`s not easy to ansver when not knowing my system.
I will mail You photos/details of my system, if interested, and would very much appreciate your recommendation and thoughts.
My dream is to come as close to live performance as possible (taking home surrounding limitation in consideration).
My previous cartridges: VDH GrassHopper III, Decca and Shure V-15 they where all on a different system, mainly solid state. Now I use all tubes, appart from Meridian CD-player which I don´t listen to much.
Many thanks and appreciate your ansver, well worth consider.