HRS Isolation Voodoo, anyone experienced this?

I was auditioning an HRS isolation platform for my turntable. When I took it back, not only did I notice a huge difference in the performance of my turntable, but also in the CD player 2 shelves below the turntable. I cannot believe that. How can this be so? I never used the platform under the CD player but somehow the Platform influenced the performance of the CD player as well. I was shocked. How can this be? Amazing VOODOO of some sort. Now everything sounds somewhat not right. I can't believe it.
One logical explanation may be that the HRS was damping or modifying some resonance in your rack that affects the CD player's performance even though it's on a different shelf.
Bill_k is right. A material has a natural resonance, which can be affected by adding weight to it, therefore creating a damping effect on the rack.
I was going to suggest that perhaps some of the pixie dust leaked out of the HRS device onto your CD player, but now that I read Bill's suggestion, I think he is closer to the answer than I am.
Crushed graham crackers make the best pixie dust. Sprinkle some on your turntable and see for yourself!