I use a Breuer 8, latest version. Resonance frequency about 10 Hz horizontal & vertical. Sound is amazing. Setup is even easier. Just line the stylus tip to the edge of the headshell & be done ( confirmed w. a Wally Tractor). Also just align the cartridge side edges w. the headshell. Basically, the easiest setup there is. But finding that out took a bit of effort but to move it around is easy. Haven't put it on my Schroder. Too lazy & love the Titan i there (but I need to do it). Schroder setup takes patience and time to get perfect. The rewards are worth it, but it really takes time especially since it is in the rear position on my table so that no kids can get to it. I use the Brass weight for the Titan i in my Schroder. Big improvement. Trying different size counterweights yeilded the final synergy w. the Titan i. That sealed it & I don't want to go back & start all over again.