Granite under wood for better isolation?

I have some slabs of granite and I would like to know if I ordered 2 inch thick maple to go over (lay on top of the granite) the granite would this work to provide good isolation for my turntable and CD player? I do not like the sound of the granite alone.
2 inch thick maple ought to do it by itself without the granite. But if you just need a place to store the granite - well, underneath the maple would work.
I have a similar setup with a 1" granite base. I used a 1" MDF board and sandwiched a 1/4" cork it has isolated all floor noise to zero and ever getting back to my turntable. MDF is allot cheaper and more effective.

Go down to your local home depot and pay $1.00 for a scrape piece. They will even cut it to size.

Enjoy Music!
I have had good results using different types of isolation materials in combination. In my system, I use various combinations of maple, carbon fiber, sand, and viscoelastic materials, sometimes combining as many as three different materials under the same component. I have found that combining materials offers a significant improvement over each material used individually. I have not, however, experimented with granite, so I cannot comment on the likely results of combining it with maple. But I think your experiment is worthwhile. Good luck.
try just the maple and place Vibrapods, one at each corner, as footers. VPods are rated by weight loading; add the total and divide by four, then size appropriately.

Or try the granite with cones below the maple / atop the stone. Vibrapods under the granite atop the rack shelf.

A sheet of pink bubble wrap is another good iso material. The pink is antistatic and heavy duty so air will not leak out.