VPI Aries 3, 10.5i Arm - Dynavector vs. Koetsu

Does anyone have experience comparing a Dynavector XX2 mkII and a Koetsu Rosewood Signature on a VPI Aries 3 with a JMW 10.5i arm? What are your thoughts? Any consideration will be greatly appreciated.
Thanks Franks. As I read your response I began to realize how stupid my reply was. What I meant to say is that it sounds like maybe the Koetsu Rosewood Signature might not be a good idea. At least not without your recommendations. I was not very clear in my initial post either. I already have a Dynavector XX2 mkII on my Aries. There have been times on certain recordings where I wonder if things are not just a tad bright. For that reason, when the possibility came up for a trade for this Koetsu, my curiosity became aroused. But the more I read about it the more I become afraid that it's going to be TOO laid back. But thank you very more for following back up with me.
I've had a Koetsu Rosewood Signature, Lyra Helikon, Benz Ruby 2 and Dynavector 20XL on my VPI table/arm years ago. I agree with Franks, the Dynavector and Lyra mated best with the VPI IMHO. The VPI has a warm, full bodied sound, with the Benz and the Koetsu, the sound was too warm, even a bit lifeless.
Now if you find that some recordings are a tad bright, it could be that the recordings themselves were mastered with the EQ too high in the upper frequencies. This is not as uncommon as one would hope. So, if you want a cartridge that will help you mask bad recordings, yes, a Koetsu/Benz combined with the VPI will certainly do that, make bad recordings enjoyable. However, on the flip side, you'll also be masking good recordings too.

Thanks John and Franks. I think I'm just going to sit still and keep the Dynavector. I'm not unhappy at all with the sound I get, like you say, on good recordings. I certainly wouldn't want to mess that up.