Phono preamp gain setting

I am using the Moon LP 5.3 with a Soundsmith SMMC-1 moving iron cartridge with 2.12 mV output. I have to turn the volume up quite high on my linestage to get the right volume. I would like to try a higher gain setting than the recommended 40db for MM cartridges but the LP 5.3 user manual recommends against. Would it be harmful to the LP 5.3 to try the 54db gain with Smmc-1? Also would it be harmful to try a different resistance load other than the recommended 47k?

A $4,500 preamp that gets noisy around halfway up. That sounds like you have an issue somewhere. Are you sure it is the preamp or is that once you get up to that level you begin to start hearing noise that is coming from the phono stage? Bad tubes in the Calypso? What kind of noise?

The noise is Kind of a constant shhhhh of hiss sound. It is not real loud at the listening chair at the 50th out of 88 step volume level but you can hear it and it gets progressively louder as the volume level is turned up from there.
I'm going to disagree with HDM. I don't see an extra 4dB in the phono stage doing anything that can't be accomplished by turning up the preamp another 4dB, Gain is gain, it doesn't matter where it comes from.

If you are hearing that kind of noise at that level something is wrong. The prime suspect is tubes in first stages of the Calypso but it could be before that.

Put shorting plugs in the input of the Calypso and see if you still have the noise. If not it's coming from the phono stage.

Sgunther-do you have noticable surface noise when you turn it all the way up? If not, you're good.
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