Best Power Cord for Phono Stage

There are numerous power cords designed for digital, DACs and players alike. Does anyone know of a manufacturer that designed one like this?
Phono stages usually do not demand much current (tubes need more than transistors however), and you probably want a shielded cable to keep out RFI, as far as is possible. So with those two criteria in mind, you should be able to narrow down the possibilities, or widen them, as the case may be.
A standalone phono preamp (tube or ss) should have a separate PS to be worth its salt (with a VERY FEW expensive exceptions;--) -- and those (separate power supplies) will have RFI filtering built in.

A phono'stage' customarily refers to a built-in phono preamp section in a normal preamp or a receiver. And you have to decide how much differenc a special power cord would make in that situation.