Is There An "Absolute" Best Cartridge?

Dear friends: We can read through different threads/posts in this forum that people always want/ask to know for the " best " " audio item " that IMHO and till today does not exist in " absolute " meaning.
Well I already have and I'm " living " a unique experience that makes me to share with all of you what IMHO could be in Absolute terms " the best cartridge ever ".

Please read this Technics EPC-P100C-MK4 information that could help you for you can share with us your experiences/thoughts on the subject of this thread:

Thank you in advance.
Regards and enjoy the music,
Ag insider logo xs@2xrauliruegas
Dear Vinyladdict: +++++ " that gets me shaking my head in wonder. " +++++

this is all about. Before we can have precise " conclusions " we need to shake a little our brains.

Btw, ++++ " I make damn sure I've got more than one person giving me an opinion on the item. " +++++

I remember that I recomended the Azden for you and told you that read the MM/MI thread where not me but others can give an opinion about. Please don't reat all of us that are participating in the MM/MI thread ( and many others that choose not participate but that are testing MM(MI's. )like " childs " that does not have each one criterion, all of us are adult people with knowledge in audio/music and with the desire to achieve better ways to enjoy music.

Regards and enjoy the music,
Dear Travbrow: ++++++ " The things that make me wonder,why some of the new "state of the art" cartridges are not much better than some of "state of the art" models from 20-30 years ago.. " ++++++

there are many reasons ( each one of us have an opinion ) about from the " who cares " audio industry on the customers needs, poor voicing audio items design, only commercial oriented products, " corrupted " professional reviewers, non know-how, audio establishment, no research any more, etc, etc of course there are exceptions ( designers, reviewers, etc, etc ) to those facts. We need a new thread only to try to have answers precise answers to your critical question because this happen not only with cartridges but with other audio items/links that conform the audio chain.

+++ " Its a shame Technics/Panasonic doesn't produce these fine cartridges anymore. " +++++

agree and I can add that it is a shame that other manufacturers already " disappear " and that some great audio item designers already almost lose the " emotion " and old attitude that when they start theirs " history " in the audio industry, not all of course but many. Same for pro-audio reviewers.

In many ways I think that always ( time to time ) is important to think/return to our " roots " to remember why we are HERE and what put me HERE.

Regards and enjoy the music,
Dear Mosin: +++++ " I own a 205, and it is a stellar cartridge that competes even with the $5000 MC I have. " +++++

well I appreciate that people like you take the time to try old analog source alternatives like the MM/MI one.

That the audio establishment already preclude its existence does not means it is not there alive and waiting for all of us to give each one great rewards.

Regards and enjoy the music,
Even if there was an "absolute" best cartridge, we couldn't agree on it anyway. When it comes to audio, there are no "absolutes" that I am aware of that all audiophiles would agree on. The only thing I *think* that you could get audiophiles to agree on is that if you are dead, you are absolutely dead and even this is doubtful.
Hey Raul,

You have devoted a lot of time in these threads about MM cartridges, I tried to read the "who needs an MC when we have MM thread", but I just can't follow this, too many variables and I do not have time. From what I see in this posting, is this a sidestep to regenerate a similar thread? I state this because you have already referenced the original thread several times and this appears to be a form of circular news posting about the merits of MM.

Don't get me wrong, from I have read from you, you provide a lot of technical information. From an fellow agoner though, I am pretty sure we don't need another thread started with the same information that is already posted in the other thread. I think that for reference purpsoses, as you have done, that is okay, but I would like to see a valid thread about the best cartridge in the world, and if you are going to argue that it is an MM, then this thread will be the same as the other thread.

All that being said, my MC is WAY better than your MM! I know because I am using an MC it and it sounds absolutely beautiful and.......blah blah blah.