Is There An "Absolute" Best Cartridge?

Dear friends: We can read through different threads/posts in this forum that people always want/ask to know for the " best " " audio item " that IMHO and till today does not exist in " absolute " meaning.
Well I already have and I'm " living " a unique experience that makes me to share with all of you what IMHO could be in Absolute terms " the best cartridge ever ".

Please read this Technics EPC-P100C-MK4 information that could help you for you can share with us your experiences/thoughts on the subject of this thread:

Thank you in advance.
Regards and enjoy the music,
Ag insider logo xs@2xrauliruegas
This 'car' analogy with audio has very short legs IMHO.

Surely the sole purpose of an audio system is to produce the best (most accurate?) sounds possible from the various forms of software?

Is the sole purpose of a car to produce the best acceleration, highest speeds, highest G forces, best cornering and best braking?
I suspect that this is the aim of 'performance' cars and in that respect the Ferrari Testarossa would look fairly stupid against Formula 1 cars or in fact any racing cars open or closed wheels?
So is the 'best' car a 'racing' car?

The problem of course is that there are many diverse requirements for a car:-
Can granny get inside?
Can I fit the 3 kids as well as the wife?
Can I park it easily?
Can I steer it easily?
Will it be nice and cool inside?
Will it be quiet and relaxed on a long trip?
Can I get it over that hump in my driveway?
Will it keep the rain off me?

It's really hard to find an analogous product that has a 'singular' purpose (like audio) without requiring the talented input of a human to extract that potential performance I think?
It seems like this cartridge is no where to be found. Just wondering if the Technics EPC-P100C-MK4 can be built again, I couldn't be the first to ask that question. It just makes sense that if it is the best cartridge ever made which I trust it is or is close to, that surely it'll turn a profit. Can the industry build these again??
Perhaps someone might want to try Technics current top of the range cartridge. Technics EPC-U1200.

Now that would be a fun review :-)

Raul, you up to it?
Hi Downunder,I think the EPC-U1200 is just a DJ cartidge,not a hi-end model.The EPC-100MKIV was the best cartridge Technics ever produced.I read they sold for $600.00.At the time American audiophiles would not spend that kind of money for a MM when they could buy a MC which certainly would be better?The EPC-100 cartridges were mostly sold with the SP-10 and SP-15 turntables here in the US,I think.Someone correct me if I am wrong.

Audio-Technica,Sure and Ortofon all made some better(top of the line)MM cartridges in the past than what they offer now.Is it because MC now dominates the market?
The EPC 100C was first sold in 1976, meant to be sold with the Technics SP-10Mk2 when it came out. The cartridge cost 60,000 yen at the time, which was less than $600. However, that was when the EPA 100 tonearm which was also meant to go with the SP-10Mk2 was also retailed for 60,000 yen. It was not a cheap MM cart - probably costing twice as much as the next best at the time.

The EPC 100CMk2 came out a few years later at 65,000 yen. The Mk3 was in silver in 1981 at 70,000 yen (I have yet to see one of these), and the Mk4 came out in I think 1982 with the SP-10Mk3 when it came out. Each successive version got the cantilever and magnet lighter and lighter, with each successive version seeing lower and lower output. The 100C is 1.5mV, the 100CMk2 is 1.3mV, the 100CMk3 is 1.2mV, and the 100CMk4 also 1.2mV.

FWIW, the EPC-101C came out in 1979 at the same price as the then 100CMk2, and the main difference between the two was the cantilever material - the 100C had a boron cantilever, and the 101C a tapered titanium nitride cantilever. Both sound very nice.

As far as I know, the EPC 205CMk3 also came out in 1979 as a lower-cost version of the 100C. It was a built, I believe, as a cross between the 205CII and the 100C, again with a boron cantilever.

Until this recent flurry of activity, I had never actually seen a picture of a P-mount 100C. The vast majority still floating around are integrated headshell versions (overhang and azimuth can be adjusted, but if the cantilever is off kilter, you're out of luck...).