Is There An "Absolute" Best Cartridge?

Dear friends: We can read through different threads/posts in this forum that people always want/ask to know for the " best " " audio item " that IMHO and till today does not exist in " absolute " meaning.
Well I already have and I'm " living " a unique experience that makes me to share with all of you what IMHO could be in Absolute terms " the best cartridge ever ".

Please read this Technics EPC-P100C-MK4 information that could help you for you can share with us your experiences/thoughts on the subject of this thread:

Thank you in advance.
Regards and enjoy the music,
Ag insider logo xs@2xrauliruegas
Follow-up to Downunder's proposal:
how about everyone can name 3-5 records and one tonearm to work with and demonstrate the respective cartridge(s).
Maybe we will find a distributor/exhibitor who is interested in working with us and use the shoot-out as special promotional event.
Syntax - if interested at all - can join with his Miyabi and an Olympos.
I can even bring a small TT with me - equipped with my tonearm of choice.

Furthermore we could set-up a listening session at my private home - which is only a 45 minute drive from the show and situated at a lovely lakeside with great beer-garden and outstanding panorama view of the northern alps.

Meeting in person could get the egos and the posing out of the way and this could really be fun and refreshing to all.
And it would finally give real impressions - first hand ones - to everyone about the individual listening preferences of the other.
I know at least - off hand - 8 other Audiogoners who will certainly not wanna miss that.

And yes Downunder - in the very end each and everyone of us will always return to his individual taste.
Its natural - and frankly, would anyone prefer it any different?
Syntax, what are you going to bring?

Whatever you like to listen to. Miyabi/Olympos is no big deal to carry.

Better than my Phonostage with 6 inputs.... :-)

Meeting... at a lovely lakeside with great beer-garden and outstanding panorama

Go-Go-Girls too?

Dear Nandric, don't worry - I am peaceful and humanistic, despite my bad reputation...... ;-) ........
i hope you guys are able to do this; for the fun of it at least. and i have a suggestion as to a way to have a proper reference. i would love to be there, but Munich in May is not an option for me.

find some Lps with corresponding RTR 15ips master dubs which are the source of the Lps. then you have a reference which can reduce the degree of personal preference involved in the ranking. or, at least, have that be part of the process to sort out the 'truth' from the 'beauty'.

i've done this exercise a few times using the master tape as a reference and it causes one to have a slightly different viewpoint on the the tape has essentially no characteristic as a cartridge tends to have. we become enamored with an aspect of the cartridge 'sound' and the tape tends to expose that as 'coloration'.

my expectation would be the Lyra Olympos SL as the overall winner.....and closest to the RTR master tape.
Dear Downunder: May is to close for me, RMFA will be fine or better yet: México city and then Huatulco Harbors or Can Cun to take a healthy " refresh " . I can organize an audio-music-beach-Monte Alban/Teotihuacan-tour for a week for all of us.

We can have a " convention " type here and maybe begin/found the " International HE Audiophile Association " in favor of the AHEE.

Regards and enjoy the music,