Is There An "Absolute" Best Cartridge?

Dear friends: We can read through different threads/posts in this forum that people always want/ask to know for the " best " " audio item " that IMHO and till today does not exist in " absolute " meaning.
Well I already have and I'm " living " a unique experience that makes me to share with all of you what IMHO could be in Absolute terms " the best cartridge ever ".

Please read this Technics EPC-P100C-MK4 information that could help you for you can share with us your experiences/thoughts on the subject of this thread:

Thank you in advance.
Regards and enjoy the music,
Ag insider logo xs@2xrauliruegas
I think that greatness of the cartridge will be evident from few first hours. Whether its great everyday cartridge it is a different matter. Great piece of art or sound of Stradivarius violin will impress you from very first minutes. Many cartridges are doing 2-3-4 things exceptionally well or they best suited for some music stile and content. Some cartridges are well balanced, but don't shine on anything is particular. We call them "neural", I guess. They are great, but they are not touching our feelings as deeply as more "specialized" cartridges during their glory moments. I stopped long ago to treat cartridges as do-it-all devices, but as musical instruments. Every one has its own strengths, weaknesses, "preferences" and time-to-boredom factor. Some trend is shaping up: MCs and IM for jazz, acoustic music and classics, MM for rock-n-roll.

A typically thought provoking and interesting take on the performance of MCs and IMs compared to MMs. Something to consider and explore in the days ahead.

Raul, You have an endless reservoir of self-confidence. This will overcome any amount of self-doubt. But you certainly have changed your mind quite a bit over the course of those 2000+ posts that you have in part stimulated. This is your perfect right, but it does illustrate my point, so I won't retract it. One reason I take so long to evaluate a cartridge is that I only can listen for about 5-10 hours/week. I think you are able to put in much more time per day or week, so of course you can move faster and still do a good job of it, most of the time.

Siniy, You wrote, "greatness of the cartridge will be evident from few first hours". I could not agree more, and its shortcomings will be evident only after a longer audition and careful comparison to some in-house standard, IMO. However, I do agree with you on the idea of the cartridge as musical instrument. This is precisely where I am going with my long audition of the Azden, comparing it to either the Koetsu Urushi (lush, romantic) or to the Colibri (speed and detail), mounted on other turntables. If you accept that concept, then of course there can be no absolute "best" for all purposes.
Dear Siniy123: Democracy is the name in this kind of forum. I agree on almost all you posted.

Regards and enjoy the music,
Dear Lewm: So your " fruitles " that in my dictionary is a synonym of " useless " then is not exactly " useless ", fine.

+++++ " But you certainly have changed your mind quite a bit over the course of those 2000+ posts " +++++ ( more than two years I have to say. ), in that time I learn and this learning makes things change " quite a bit " and in the other side I have adapt me to different circumstances over the time, that not always is an easy task.

+++++ " "greatness of the cartridge will be evident from few first hours". I could not agree more, and its shortcomings will be evident only after a longer audition and careful comparison to some in-house standard, IMO. " +++++

I can say " evident from few first minutes " as its shortcomings.
This statement has foundation: standards to compare it ( like you point out ), depending of the effectivity and capacity of those standards to make a " value/measure " and your own skills, experience and training through the use of those standards you can achieve/know the cartridge or any audio item performance level with true confidence on what you find.

I'm " tired " to say that I have that kind of training and standards to do that in " fast track " way. I have 8-9 different LP tracks to make the 90% of that job: how many time take me to hear and discern trhough those tracks, that I know in deep like I know my hands, after cartridge set up/settle down? hours?, normally I can do it in less than a hour but not always this depends on the cartridge performance level. With the Acutex I really take hours because I was not perfectly sure if its performance level was/is at the same Technics P100C.

Using always the same your own standards/Lp tracks/tools is a must for audio item/system evaluation that facilitate this evaluation tests.

Two days ago with two friends of mine made a two different system evaluations where I carry with me only three of those 8-9 LP tracks.
Well in the first system with the first LP track ( Patricia Barber. I know in the PB track/Nardis even how many times she take air/breath through the track and even where/soundstage position those " breathe " happen. Btw, do you already heard and find the right number of those PB " breathes "?, in the Technics P100C review comes exactly what you have to hear, try it and see how good is your source. ) ) I detect in 10 seconds that something was not in shape with the performance of the tweeters. I explain my friends how I knew about and tell them that now hear/heard it again and then they heard it and the problem was fix it. Three minutes latter I discern on other different " problem " and in less than 40 minutes we all determine where the systems problems were and a process to try fix it.

Then we go to the other home audio system and in less than four minutes I was aware of atrouble in the low midbass/low bass that between other things were in detriment of the high frequency quality performance.

Why can I do that so fast? Am I really different from you?, certainly not what happen is that I have the right " tools " ( that right tools are the ones that you know and that you have it. ) and deep/long time training to do it, that's all.

Regards and enjoy the music,