Ortofon MC A90 Cartridge VTF

I just spent the weekend at mikelavigne's where we did a comparison with three turntables all using the same Ortofon MC A90 cartridges. We had the cartridges setup at the recommended VTF and they did not all have the same amount of break-in time on them. I decided to see what would happen when we lightened the cartridges up.

We started on the first table and the weight was about 2.25. We lessened the weight until I thought that the sound really locked in. By the time we were done on the first turntable, the VTF was at around 1.56. When we did the second table we got the weight all the way down to 1.92. On the third table it ended up best at about 2.01.

All parties (myself, Mike and Steve) agreed that lightening up the carts really opened things up quite a bit without loss of bass. The inner detail and delicacy inreased as did speed and dynamics.

I called Ortofon and am awaiting a response but I was wondering if those of you who own this cartridge have gone outside the recommended range and if you could share your experiences.

There is more to read about this if you want under mikelavigne's system thread.
Jtinn, Mike and Steve, thank you for posting your observations on using below recommended VTF for your A90s. Have you kept those lower settings since the time you posted this information in March without the ill effects predicted by Ortofon showing up in your cartridges?
no negative affects with either of my A90's with VTF's still around 1.80 grams. one is on a Reed 2P and the other on a Talea. they sound great.
I want to chime in here!


Did you began by making sure SRA was set to 92 degrees preferably using a USB based microscope? Correct SRA is critical to this extreme stylus profile. I thought I was 'locked in' doing it by naked eye and listening until i got the USB microphone and I was way off...after getting it set using microscope the sound was hugely improved.

In fact Ortofon's specified VTA (were you to use the cantilever angle to set VTA) does not yield the correct result.

And of course you must use the rear edge of the Replicant stylus not the shank as the reference for the 92 degree angle.

In my experience tracking significantly lighter or heavier than recommended by the people who design these products may result in different sound but never better, particularly if you don't compensate for the SRA change made by changing VTF!

In this case, less than a gram will probably result in less than a degree change in SRA ASSUMING YOU WERE AT OR VERY CLOSE TO 92 degrees to begin with but still, you may be hearing that and not VTF change....

My motto: when in doubt play by the rules and stay within the manufacturer's recommended settings.....

BTW: I was involved in an A90 set up this weekend. Replacing a Dynavector XV-1t. The Ortofon is far superior IMO.....right out of the box
Grooves, two friends from Houston came up and convinced me that I should try 2.02 grams. I could not hit that exactly but 2.01 did sound better, but when I raised the VTA, it was clearly better. When I then raised it a hair more, it was not as good. I have played it there since with great satisfaction. I am using a Bergman Sindre turntable and arm. I suspect that you are right about the 92ºs, but I think you can find it by ear.
Hi Grooves

How far above parallel is the tonearm/headshell to get to 92 degrees, for the folks like me without a microscope.

Do you find that 92 degrees works better for LP's set for 180gms or 120 gms - ie which is teh best compromise if you don't want to change the height every LP.
