recommendations for TT + arm + cart, around $3.5k

Hi all - I'm looking to upgrade a Rega P1 to something more substantial. My setup (currently being upgraded):

Focal 1027Be Speaker
Rogue Audio M-180 Tube amp
Peachtree Audio Nova preamp/DAC
Rega P1 with NAD PP2 phono stage

Can anyone recommend some turntables that I should check out? I know comparing the P1 with something in the $3.5k price range is wildly unfair, but FWIW it's sound is too soft for me, so I'm looking for something on the brighter side. I listen to all kinds of music, with the bulk being rock/jazz/country/folk and a little classical of late).

I plan to upgrade the phono stage in the not-too-distant future, but I'd like to get the table sorted first. Budget of, say, $3500 all-in (table + arm + cartridge).


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You also may want to take a look at Nottingham. Right now you can get a 294 or Hyperspace for under $3K. Add a cartridge and you have a very nice system. Down the line you can add a different tonearm (generally considered to be the weakest part of the Nottingham) like SME, Graham, Moersch etc.. and you've kicked things up a notch to an extremely nice system. I've seen some real good prices on Nottinghams lately. I think some of this is due Nottingham being between US distributors. Nott's don't have a lot of "flash" or "buzz". They are just very solidly engineered tables that should last a long time.
OK - lots for me to think about here! A couple of suggestions on the Classic, a couple for the Nottinghams, plus some cart suggestions. That's a good start for me.

Thank you, everyone!
My VPI Classic is in a differnt league from the Scoutmaster Sig or the Aries I that I had previously. Much better sounding table.

For you budge pick one of many great cartridges, including the Sumiko Blackbird, or many of the Grado or Dynavectors
I have some radical advice for you: sell your Peachtree and new amp and get a very good integrated and separate phono stage and DAC. For about the same money as you're willing to spend on a TT + Cartridge + Arm, you could provide your speakers with amplification more befitting their abilities, while also upping your DAC and Phono stage. This is the versatile and forwarding thinking approach, as you'll squeeze more out of that TT+Cartridge than your current phon and amp are, plus, it'll allow you to upgrade to a different TT/cart in the future and appreciate an even bigger leap. If you blow your wad on the turntable and cartridge now, you're still left with a so-so phono stage, and and amplification component that seems somewhat mis-matched with your monitors. Sorry if this seems out of line, but that's what I'd do first. My usual chain of equipment is: speaker=>amp=>source=>music=>accesories.