recommendations for TT + arm + cart, around $3.5k

Hi all - I'm looking to upgrade a Rega P1 to something more substantial. My setup (currently being upgraded):

Focal 1027Be Speaker
Rogue Audio M-180 Tube amp
Peachtree Audio Nova preamp/DAC
Rega P1 with NAD PP2 phono stage

Can anyone recommend some turntables that I should check out? I know comparing the P1 with something in the $3.5k price range is wildly unfair, but FWIW it's sound is too soft for me, so I'm looking for something on the brighter side. I listen to all kinds of music, with the bulk being rock/jazz/country/folk and a little classical of late).

I plan to upgrade the phono stage in the not-too-distant future, but I'd like to get the table sorted first. Budget of, say, $3500 all-in (table + arm + cartridge).


I recently purchased a VPI Classic with a Benz glider (.8mv) cartridge. The combination of turntable and cartridge works great. I haven't listened to a CD since I received the VPI and the CD player I currently own is very good (Cambridge 840C). The Benz and Dynavector cartridges work very well with the VPI 10.5 arm. I would highly recommend waiting for the Classic and matching it with a an upper-end Benz or Dynavector cartridge.
Kuzma Stabi S package w/table, arm goes for about $3200, I think. Lots of great carts have been mentioned here so far.
I bought a VPI aries 1 with sds speed control jmw 10 arm, upgraded motor and original platter for $2500. The Kuzma Stabi S was and still is a temptation. While I would have a hard time buying a "new" audio product the vpi classic which I haven't heard looks great. I bought the aries on audiogon, I was looking online at one from audio classics in binghamton ny for $2300. I had owned a linn lp12 with rega rb300 tonearm which I really liked but didn't like the maintenance and set-up interface and didn't want to put money into the upgrades. My only other table was a rega p3. I have to admit I am a sucker for any table that has a modular upgrade path like the vpi tables. So my experience is limited but I have been very with the vpi aries
I've got the 1027be's. Running Sim Audio amplification and phono stage using balanced interconnects. TT is Kuzma Stabi with Stogi S arm, cart is Clearaudio Maestro Wood (MM). Great synergy, plenty of dynamics, soundstage and some sweet mids. Not the last word in detail but not a bad thing with the beryllium tweeters on the 1027be's. Kuzma TT is excellent value for money with great engineering and a sexy look (is TT love indecent??).
I received my Classic today, installed a Sumiko Blackbird cart, and running it through a new PS Audio GCPH - have to say that it sounds night and day better than my previous setup with the P1 and PP-2. I mean, not a little bit better but totally different and wonderful - I've been spinning vinyl all night all having a blast! I'm sure my setup is far from optimal, and I'll figure that out eventually, but I'm very happy right now! Thanks all for the input. A new table and phono pre was the right way to go.
