VPI Classic and ZYX 4D

Hi guys,

I am finally setting the TT and I was hoping to give it a shoot today but apparently problems never end.
I mounted the pick up on the tonenarm leveled the tonearm and I was just about to regulate the reading weight when I realized that even puching the counterweight all the way in I barely reach 1.2gr.
I own a ZYX 4D with the SB@ option which accordingly to the manufaturer it weights 7.9gr which should be perfectly ok.
I think the Dynavector Diamond is 7.5gr or something like that.
I have never seen anybody having this issues...I tried to reasearch but nothing.
I contacted my dealer but he has no clue.
I tried to call VPI but they are unfortunately close till the 13th!!!!
So I don't know what else to do.

If anybody can give me some help I would really appreciate.

Thank you so much.

Stefanoo, I would think that you would need a lighter counterweight, not a heavier one. You would need a heavier one if your counterbalance was running off the end of the tonearm and you were tracking 1.95 grams. As I read it, you can't track any lower than 1.95 grams with the counterweight all the way in touching the base. I would think there would be some drag effect from the counterweight rubbing the base as the cartridge tracks. To move the weight out away from the base, you would need a lighter counterweight. Besides, as the cartridge ages, you may want to track lower than 1.95 grams. FWIW, I'm tracking at 2.00 grams.

Doug's comments seem to be pretty accurate. I've never heard a UNIverse-X. I bought the UNIverse-S because I was moving from a Koetsu Rosewood Signature, and I was afraid that moving to a UNIverse-X would be too lean for me. I lived happily with the UNIverse-S for over 4 years.

The dealer I bought the 4D-X from also had a Omega-S. He said the 4D-X sounded better than the Omega-S. After 4 years with the S version, I decided to go ahead and give the X version a try. I'm glad I did. I also have a Dynavector XV-1s that just came in, some day I hope to get around to mounting it and comparing it to the 4D-X. To be honest though, between how good the 4D-X sounds, and how nice the weather has been, I don't know when I'll get around to it.

The Mint LP tractor is a great tool, I wish I had bought it sooner.

wow so much useful stuff all at once.
It sounds really complicated to me.

I screwd the the screw all the way in and I moved sligly back the counterweight, but enough to not having it touch the pivot.
I regulated the azimut with the LP test and my Fluke 45 and I had to move the Azimuth Ring a bit, but I guess that it is normal.
The difference on the two channels now is on the order of the 0.01mV which is very good.
With the Azimuth ring a little bit twisted the weight is slighly increased without having touched the counterweight's position...so now it is 1.98gr or something like that (I am going off with the precision of my Sure stylus gauge).
Now I will recheck the alliment with the Mint LP.
The only thing that I find it odd is to find the parallel line or reflection on the Mint.
The cantilever sits a little bit on the inside part of the body and thus I have to incline a bit the magnifier and I am finding some difficolties to line it.

Beside that I will try to contact VPI as soon as they will re-open on the 13th and see what they say.

The only problem I see with the antiskating now is that, if I will insert the mechanical ring, it will considerably push the counterweight back and It will screw up the tracking force.

Nevertheless even at VPI they told me they were running a ZYX cartiridge without AS and they didn't have problem with the cantilever.
P.S. I am going to buy Magic Eraser this afternoon to keep the stylus cleaned as you suggested many times.
just a quick note.
I hope it will help people who will have the same problem I had.
The solution is to take the screw for fine adjustments off the counterweight's stub.
That way the counterweight will be a little bit away from the unipivot.
Now I have set the tracking force up to 2gr and I can go much higher if I'd like too.
it seems to work much better without the screw and that is what mike told me to do.

I'd suggest to all owners of VPIs to take that screw inside off and regulate the tracking force only relying on the counterweight.
it takes a little longer but it is not impossible, of course :)

Hope this helps.

thank you all for your advice.

If balancing your cartridge on this tonearm is easier without the screw, there's still an easy way to fine-tune VTF WITHOUT moving the counterweight (which is very touchy and affects azimuth, as you know).

Get some O-rings sized to fit snug on the end stub. Slide 1 or more on behind the counterweight. This will make very small reductions to VTF but you can leave the counterweight alone.

You're making great progress,