VPI Classic and ZYX 4D

Hi guys,

I am finally setting the TT and I was hoping to give it a shoot today but apparently problems never end.
I mounted the pick up on the tonenarm leveled the tonearm and I was just about to regulate the reading weight when I realized that even puching the counterweight all the way in I barely reach 1.2gr.
I own a ZYX 4D with the SB@ option which accordingly to the manufaturer it weights 7.9gr which should be perfectly ok.
I think the Dynavector Diamond is 7.5gr or something like that.
I have never seen anybody having this issues...I tried to reasearch but nothing.
I contacted my dealer but he has no clue.
I tried to call VPI but they are unfortunately close till the 13th!!!!
So I don't know what else to do.

If anybody can give me some help I would really appreciate.

Thank you so much.

yeah, I will use the shure gauge to chek that out....I will do it right now...and get back to you.

P.S. Mike said that most of the time pwople make the mistake of measuring the VTF without having the arm resting parallel but sitting back and that gives an higher reading for the VTF then what you actually gonna get on the real situation.
In this case I will give the reading with the arm sitting a little as I don't want to move the VTA as I don't have the option of the VTA on the fly :(
VTF reading says 2.6gr!! so when the arm rests parallel then I guess it would be 2.55gr or something around that.
I mean, I would have never set that VTF myself....but I guess that this is how the cart performs the best...as it does sound much better though.
I am wondering if I have to change that as the cat ages and how I realize when it is about time to change it.
WOW! That is heavy! I see the recommended tracking force is 1.7-2.5, so you are right on the top of that range. I haven't listened at that high of VTF, my ZYX 4D seems to work very well in the 1.90-2.10 gram range. Right now I'm at 1.95 grams. I actually just dropped the VTF from 2.05 to 1.95 and it sounds a little better IMHO.
Yeah, I know.

That is how they have set it though.
I don't know if I want to change that or not.
I might be in the future.

How do you like your 4D? is it the copper low version?
I have to admit that I'm pretty impressed with my 4D-X. It is the copper version with low output. I've had it for just over a month now, it replaced a low output UNIverse with silver coils, which I owned for 4.5 years. I was expecting this to be a step down, since I don't have the $$$ to spend on a cartridge now that I did in 2005, but I feel like it's a lateral step instead. The copper 4D has better articulation and extension, the silver UNIverse was a bit sweeter in the midrange.

FWIW, my 4D is mounted on a Basis 2500 Signature table with Vector 3 tonearm, phono stage is a Klyne 7PX5.