Benz LP cartridge distortion - any advise?

I recently purchased a BENZ LP cartridge here on Audiogon and I am having a frustrating time dialing it in. The main issue is with an unpleasant amount distortion and sibilance heard on vocals. It can also be heard on some brass instruments. Other instrumentation (guitars, bass, drums, etc) sounds clear.

This is my first cartridge of this caliber and I have read that dialing it in takes some work, but I have reached a point where I need to ask for some help. I wonder if someone who is more experienced with this cartridge might be able to give me some direction.

Here is what I am working with:

Benz LP cartridge (original, not the current “S” class), purchased used with 100 hours, currently tracking at 1.9 grams (alignment was performed with a MINT tractor)
VPI Classic turntable with JMW 10.5i tonearm
Graham Slee Elevator, currently loading at 1000 ohms
EAR 834p phono stage
McIntosh MA6600 amplifier
B&W Nautilus 804 speakers

Adjustments in VTA don’t seem to help eliminate the sibilance or distortion.

I appreciate any advise.
Have you adjusted azimuth at all? This cartridge shouldn't have lots of sibilance. Try an LP that you know doesn't have much sibilance and see what happens. If still problem and azimuth already adjusted, then it could be defective.
Does the distortion seem to favor one channel over the other (i.e. are you hearing it more in the left channel or more in the right)? If so, you might also spend some time making some anti-skate adjustments. Distortion in the left (inside) channel could be too much anti-skate, and in the right (outside) channel could indicate too little anti-skate [I think I've got these right - someone jump in if I've got them backwards]

I have a few records where I always seem to get a little distortion in one channel or another in certain spots, and of course I got all concerned about my cartidge and settings when I first noticed it (especially since the distortion wasn't occurring during any particularly dynamic passages). Since I found that it was occurring consistently in the same places on these particular records, I now attribute it to either a pressing failure (in the case of records I purchased new) or perhaps damage in those particular spots by previous owners of the record (in the case of records I bought used).

I'm just hoping this is the case and not that you got a bum cartridge.
I set azimuth using a voltmeter and test record. Still the same amount of harshness on vocals.
The distortion is centered with the vocal. And it is consistent from record to record. I have tested about 15-20.
Hm.. It could be the cartridge. The Benz LP is, in my opinion, a warm and full bodied cartridge. I am surprised it generates lots of sibilance. I guess loading down the cartridge won't help either. I think you can retip it at a price. Perhaps the seller could share the cost.

I know a dealer who can help you retip it at a good price. You can contact me if you like.