Azden Cartridges

Can anyone (Raul?) tell me if the Azden YM-P50C (conical) Azden YM-P50E (elliptical) and Azden YM-P50VL (vital line contact) are in fact the same cartridge with different cantilever/stylus assemblies? Thanks!

Raul where are you?

Hello all, so Mofi if this is true, which is a more desirable of the the 3? I've always been under the impression that Line contact were the more desirable, Is this true?

I'm betting that it has to do with which era of pressings dominate your collection....

please elaborate
The job of the stylus is to trace, (or retrace) the groove as close as possible to the actual cutting stylus. So, in this case, yes the line contact will have a closer profile to the cutting stylus.