Rotel RCD-1072 vs Sony XA5400ES

Hello all, which of these two players is better for CD-only playback? The Rotel is an older unit which has served me quite well over the years. The Sony player also does SACD which I don't need but does use the better DAC out of the two -- the Burr Brown 1796 DAC.
Thanks for the replies, guys. I've just been informed that Rotel has released a brand spankin' new RCD-1570. Might have to hold out for a while until I hear their new offering, which has XLR outputs I might add!
Over the years Rotel has had an excellent run of cd players...990, 991AE, 1072 & 1520.
I haven't heard the Sony in my system, so I cannot compare the two. But I have been enjoying the Rotel RCD-1072 for many years now. It is an absolutely wonderful sounding deck with an uncanny ability to play the music "just right." My AudoQuest King Cobra interconnect works quite well between the deck and my amp.